THE RIDE By: John Long We pulled into Del Rio at high noon, mummified by dry heat till another Talon fighter jet streaked in from nearby Laughlin Air Force Base and startled us back to life. We came for the annual George Paul Memorial Bull Riding challenge, “The Toughest Rough Stock Event in Tarnation,” according to promotional flyers tacked around the Texas border town. The promo fliers, now collector’s items, were Lone Star reboots of the Return of Godzilla movie […]
MY FRIEND PHIL I pictured myself in a Mexican jail. forever… By: John Long Mrs. Davenport screamed bloody murder. Phil and I were in the next room, swinging face down in hammocks and trying to spit through rifts in the floor, when the fiddler crab scampered across Mrs. Davenport’s bedspread. We were finally in Mexico. I’d been counting the hours for what felt like a year to blow town and spend Easter vacation in Baja, California, with the Davenports: my […]